Here at BU, we acknowledge that what we purchase and the waste we produce can have significant environmental, social and economic impacts. To reduce these impacts, we are committed to taking a sustainable approach to our purchasing activities. 

Everything has value, and the resources we class as ‘waste’ have value too. A net-zero world will limit waste of any kind and with material resources that means following circular economy principles and the waste hierarchy: re-think, reduce, reuse, recycle, in all we do from how we buy things to how we dispose of them. 

In 2019/20, we sent nothing to landfill and recycled 74% of our waste. We strive to keep improving, which is why we were ranked 4th in the world for SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production in the THE Impact Rankings 2022.

Please do email the Sustainability Team at  if you have any questions about our waste management.

We send no waste to landfill
We recycled 75% of our waste in 2018/19
All of our non-recyclable and food waste is sent for energy production