BU Swimming

If you’re keen to swim while you study with us, BU Swimming Club (which is run by our Students’ Union) offers competitive and social opportunities to get involved.

As with all of our Performance Sport teams, you’ll need to try out for TeamBU Swimming. If you’re successful, you’ll represent BU in British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) competitions.

With the support of Poole Swimming Club as our local training partner, the focus is on the BUCS Short Course (25m pool) and Long Course (Olympic sized 50m pool) Championships alongside other swim meets across the year.

If, on the other hand, you’re looking to simply swim to keep fit and meet other students who enjoy swimming too, becoming part of BU Swimming Club (which prides itself on its fun and friendly atmosphere) is a great way to do this.

We’ve also teamed up with Everyone Active (which has two leisure centres with pools in neighbouring Poole), so you can swim as and when suits you, at an exclusive BU price for three months’ membership.

Key information

TeamBU Swimming

Available to: high performing, talented BU swimmers

Fees: £300 for three semesters (approximately £30 per month)

This includes annual Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) membership, TeamBU membership, coached pool sessions every week (during term time), all training costs and BU Swim team hat.

Training days, times and pools

Tuesdays, 8pm–9.15pm
Talbot Heath School, Rothesay Road, Bournemouth BH4 9NJ

Thursdays, 8pm-9.15pm
Talbot Heath School, Rothesay Road, Bournemouth BH4 9NJ

Sundays, 8pm–9.30pm
Talbot Heath School, Rothesay Road, Bournemouth BH4 9NJ

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