Key information

Please note, if a crime is in progress or life is in danger, dial 999.  

You can call both 999 and 101 from a landline or a mobile phone for free, even if you have no credit, and most smartphones allow you to make calls without unlocking the home screen.

If you're deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired you can use the emergency SMS/Text: 80999 or non-emergency SMS/Text: 67101 for off campus incidents. Please note: you'll need to register your mobile phone first to use this service.

For general security enquiries (non-urgent) on campus call 01202 956001 (24/7 365 days a year) or email [email protected].

Find us in room T108, Talbot House at Talbot Campus or email us at [email protected].

The Bournemouth Campus Police provide security and personal safety advice at both BU and AUB campuses.


“Hello, we are Sergeant Guy Nicholas, PC Kevin Miller & PCSO Sam Venner.

“We can be seen patrolling the two universities' campuses on a regular basis. Please feel free to stop us for a chat. We also work very closely with our colleagues from the Winton, Charminster and Lansdowne Neighbourhood Policing Teams because they cover the areas where the majority of the town’s students live and spend their time.

“We have an office on campus. If you have any community safety concerns or would like to speak to one of us in person, come and see us in Talbot House.

“To find out more you can also visit the Dorset Police BCP web page, our Bournemouth Campus Police Facebook page also has regular updates, and you can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram.”

For more useful safety advice, go to the Live Life Safe website and the National Stalking Helpline.